Difficulty is at times balanced around powerups, so dying at the wrong spot can turn the game into a total nightmare.

There's only one way and one way only to beat a level, and you are just bound to die over and over until you memorize everything. Gameplay consists of trial and error, but its not frustrating, quite addicting in fact. Conan looks bad ass (unlike the terrible sequels, where he looks goofy). Level design is actually even less linear then Wonder Boy but the challenge is unfortunately credit based.Īwesome music and solid visuals. Has RPG elements, and branching level design, particularly towards the end.

This makes most of those games pretty worthless (including famous ones like Altered Beast, Golden Axe or even Metal Slug) except for the few rare gems where the difficulty is intrinsic in the gameplay or level design. With unlimited credits, those games become extremely boring because there is no incentive to stay alive. Most MAME games seem to be designed in a way where the challenge revolves around how many credits you are willing to put in. Robotron 2084 and Smash TV as well.Īnyway yeah I don't really have any recs that you won't have heard of so I'll shut up now. Oh and Defender of course, still the shit after all these years. My average survival time with DDP - playing on Hard - is roughly 45 seconds and that's after two weeks of obsessive practice). Guwange is cool too but frankly a bit easy (I got up to level 3 on my second go - with the chick - and I'm fucking appalling at shooters. Fever SOS has a great soundtrack!), Giga Wing, Mars Matrix, Battle Bakraid and Blazing Star for shooters, all of which are big names and obvious choices, but really that's because they're the best around. By the way, I've not had a single problem with ROMs acquired from so you might like to have a look there (I'm using 0.137 but will upgrade to 0.138 at some point).Īnyway I recommend DoDonPachi (really all things Cave are reliably good. Been stocking up on MAME stuff myself recently.